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11 Facts About Neve to Celebrate Her 11th Birthday!

11 Facts About Neve to Celebrate Her 11th Birthday!

Happy Birthday Neve O'Neil

March 10th is a big day in the O'Neil household! Today is both Neve and Adam's birthday - and to celebrate Neve's 11th Birthday, I thought I'd share 11 fun facts about Neve with you all! 

Neve with Mum and Dad
Photoshoot with Nawal and Neve

1. Neve loves music. At the moment, Touch by Little Mix is always playing on repeat. 

2. Neve has gorgeous blue eyes. 

3. Her favourite flowers are sunflowers and she loves growing them in the garden. 

4. Neve loves animals - especially our puppies, Bella and Baci - and koalas! 

5. Neve loves to bake (Just like her Mum!) and is known for her delicious cupcakes

6. Her nickname is Neven Peevin. 

Neve with Bella and Baci
Neve O'Neil
Neve eating Yogurt

7. Neve shares a birthday with her Daddy! (Adam and Neve... Adam 'N Eve) 

8. Neve's favourite foods are yogurt and red velvet cake... especially cupcakes! 

9. Neve loves puzzles and building things with Lego whenever she has free time.

10. Neve is a huge tech head. She even did a summer programming course at Stanford University and programmed her own game! 

11. Neve loves fencing - and even a Gold Medalist in the under 11 Épée NSW School State Championships and Bronze Medalist in the under 11 Épée International Friendly Championship.

Nawal and Neve off to Stanford University Digital Academy Summer Camp
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