“Nicole has had moments in her life where she’s been in and out of the workforce. “I’ve worked and I’ve also not worked and spent time with my kids. When I wasn’t working, I was giving time to the school, the parents association, or helping make costumes for a school play – there’s always something to do as a parent.”
She worked in the earlier years of her children’s lives but stopped working through her kids’ teen years. “I was much happier as a person when I was working. I had weekends away from my kids and long nights away. But when I was there, I was much happier because I was feeling satisfied with my day.”
Both women agree that whatever way women decide to raise their children, it should be their choice.
”Women are very quick to drag other women down,” Nicole said.
”I think having lived both sides of the coin, I feel very passionate about it because I can see both sides.” ”