My Top Tips for Minimising Jet Lag

It's no secret that I travel a lot. With my girls overseas for university, competing around the world in fencing and friends scattered across the globe, I am often on planes travelling from one side of the ocean to the other.

A busy schedule also means I don’t have time for jet lag so over the years, I’ve developed some tried and tested tips, tricks and travel hacks for minimising jet lag.

….just please don’t ask me for tips on travelling light…. that’s definitely something I have not mastered.

#1 Set Your Clock to the Local Time

As soon as you get on the plane, change your watch and phone time to whatever the local time is wherever you're travelling to and try to adjust to that time zone. 

For example, you might be on a lunchtime flight out of Sydney, however, where you're flying to it's currently night time. Instead of spending the flight watching movies until your Sydney bedtime, try and get some sleep and settle down into a nightime routine so you’re ready to start the day (or night) at your next destination.

When you arrive, try to stick to a relatively normal schedule. If you arrive in the evening, head to bed and get some rest at a normal hour - or if you arrive in the morning, try to keep yourself awake until the evening. 

#2 Equip Yourself with Sleep Tools  

The Best Way to Minimise Jet Lag Naturally.jpeg

Ready for a long flight with BonPatch Vitality and Sleep, Lanolips and one of my favourite perfumes.

I try to pack my at-home sleep essentials with me whenever I travel to give myself the best chance of sleep.

BonPatch Sleep Patches are something I use nightly at home, and my absolute travel essential.

Before starting BonPatch, you’d find me checking in for a flight with a carry-on bag full of essential oils.

Now all I have to do is apply my patch and I’m ready to drift off to sleep. If you’re an anxious flyer or find yourself flustered by travel days, the Relax Patch is perfect for calming you down ready for an enjoyable flight.

#3 Don't Overindulge in Alcohol on the Plane 

You're excited! It's holiday time! But before you get stuck into the free alcohol on the plane, think about how you'll feel tomorrow. 

Jet lag is hard enough to deal with without adding a hangover on top of it!

#4 Take Your Own Pillow 

Whenever I travel, I always bring along my little travel pillow to make sure I'm comfortable and ready to sleep. There are so many travel pillow shapes and sizes on the market so it's important to find what works best for you. Below are some of my favourite options!

But it’s not just a travel pillow I pack. I always travel with a feathered pillow and black silk pillowcase. It doesn’t matter if I’m only away for one night, I can’t sleep without them. The black pillowcase ensures it doesn’t get mixed up with the hotel laundry!

#5 Wear Compression Socks 

They might not be the most fashionable accessory, however, they're a must when travelling! They help to improve your circulation during the avoid - easing swelling in your legs and ankles and stopping the aches and pains you might otherwise feel whilst travelling for long periods. Below are some of my favourites.

#6 Pack Healthy Snacks for the Flight 

Keep some healthy snacks in your bag for when you're feeling peckish. I always  travel with snacks because you never know when your flight might be delayed and when travelling from one time zone to another you'll often find yourself hungry at odd times as your body adjusts to the difference. 

Use packing cubes and bags to help you stay organised

I try to keep my essentials in a separate bag at the top of my suitcase so I know exactly where they are and can get them out as soon as I’m checked in at the hotel.

#7 Try To Stick To Your Normal Routine 

Do you always take your vitamins in the morning? Brush your teeth just before going to sleep? Try to stick to your normal routine as much as you can - even when flying! 

A walk outside in the sunshine is one of my favourite ways to reset and recharge after a long flight

#8 Get Some Fresh Air and Work Up a Sweat

After you land, try to get as much fresh air and sunshine as possible to help your body adjust. I also find a great workout either on the day you arrive or the next morning helps a lot as it helps to break your body out of that travelling funk!

One of my favourite things to do when I get back to Sydney is head to a gym class with some friends to work up a sweat, reset my body - and probably burn off some of those holiday treats too ;) 

#9 Stay Hydrated! 

I always find I get dehydrated on flights - especially long haul ones. The reason for this is apparently due to a combination of low humidity and low oxygen pressure.

I combat this by making sure I’m drinking lots of water (I always travel with a large water bottle which I fill as soon as I’m through security) and using Trace Mineral Drops in my water. These help with electrolyte replacement.

#10 Freshen Up

Vitality on and ready to explore!

Whether it’s once you’ve checked into your hotel, or a quick freshen up on the plane, I find I feel so much better once I’ve brushed my teeth, washed or wiped my face and freshened up after a long flight.

I also like to pop on a BonPatch Vitality Patch before the flight lands to add a little pep in my step.

I’ll also use the Vitality Patches for short haul or connecting flights where I want to stay awake until I reach my destination.


Shop some of my travel essentials


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