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Why I Love: F45

Why I Love: F45

Why I Love Training at F45 Double Bay

F45 has become incredibly popular in recent times - but I think it's all for good reason. 

Not only is it fun and the perfect workout to do with friends, you'll also find it delivers serious results. As one of my favourite places to workout, I thought I'd share why I love F45 so much!

It's the perfect workout to do with friends 

I'm someone who loves to workout with friends - and F45 is perfect for that. I've also made so many new friends through the classes and we all motivate one another to go further and push harder - all while having plenty of fun and laughs too!








The Classes Change Daily

I like to train in the morning and, luckily for me, F45's schedule changes daily - so you don't just have to go to the same class. 

Monday is cardio, Tuesday is endurance and strength, Wednesday is MVP cardio, Thursday is resistance training, Friday is boot camp style cardio and weekends are for HIIT. 

It Only Takes 45 Minutes 

45 minutes are easy to fit into your day - and you get a killer workout out of them. 

I love knowing exactly what time I'm heading into and out of F45 so I can schedule the rest of my day around it. 





Functional Training Delivers Optimal Results 

The "F" in F45 stands for functional. Functional training is all about engaging the body in exercises that mimic or recreate everyday movements. This means that you're using your full body or multiple muscle groups at a time to deliver optimal results - improving your everyday endurance and well-being whilst building and sculpting lean muscle.

The F45 Team is Amazing!

One of the main reasons I love working out at F45 Double Bay is the people! The team there is incredible and really make the whole workout so much fun. 

When I mentioned to them that I wanted to include them in my Workout Wednesday series, they told me that they would give any if my readers an extended free trial of F45. Instead of the usual 7 day free trial, you can get 14 days - just by mentioning me! Who knows, we might even get to workout together!

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